It’s important to realize that when people come together to
make decisions, they need a method of doing so.
Our ancestors understood this, in their gatherings in villages and small
communities. How do you put forth your
idea or proposal? How do you handle the
discussion or debate about it? How do
you handle any changes to the proposal? How do you
handle making a decision? Over time an
agreed upon set of rules were developed, which came to be referred to as
“parliamentary procedure”. And over
time, parliamentary procedure has come to mean more regarding the running of
meetings and organizations (such as agendas, meeting minutes, and even basic
officer duties). Not surprising that
term is used. A parliament is a legislative
body, one which makes laws. It comes
from the word ‘parley’, to speak or discuss.
Sometimes you see the term “parliamentary law” used. This is because it’s part of the common law,
because parliamentary procedure/law is how laws are created. Usually the lawyerly types get all bent out
of shape when they hear “parliamentary law”, thinking that makes it part of
their area of knowledge/responsibility.
Not so. Few lawyers are
knowledgeable in parliamentary procedure.
It’s a separate area of study that not all undertake.
Because parliamentary procedure developed organically, if
you will, there are many variants of it.
These are enunciated in a variety of “parliamentary authorities”, which
are works that set down a particular set of parliamentary procedure. While most are very similar (the ‘commonly
accepted parliamentary law’, if you will), there are differences in many of
these works.
In the US (and most of the English-speaking world), our
tradition of parliamentary procedure started with the British House of Commons
and its rules. Thomas Jefferson’s Manual of
Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States (aka Jefferson’s Manual) is the first true parliamentary authority in the US. Written originally for the Senate, today it’s
used as the authority for the House of Representatives, while the Senate
follows their own “Standing Rules”.
The basic principles of parliamentary procedure are pretty simple.
- All members have equal
rights, privileges, and obligations
- The majority vote decides.
- The rights of the minority
must be protected.
- Full and free discussion
of every proposition presented for decision is an established right of
- Every member has the right
to know the meaning of the question before the assembly and what its
effect will be.
- All meetings must be characterized by fairness and by good faith.
We many times speak of the rights of members. In parliamentary procedure, this is usually
the right of “voice and vote”: to be able to make motions and debate those
motions and vote on them. We also speak
of the rights of the majority (majority vote decides), the rights of the
minority (to speak in opposition, etc), the rights of those not present
(require a quorum to conduct business, all members notified of decisions, etc)
and all those together.
Too often, well intended people think that parliamentary
procedure is just needless rules and such, and try to avoid using it. But what often happens is that things are
done improperly, and members will be upset because things are not going the way
they expect or want them, or think their rights are being abused. I have found a few works who try to put forth
alternatives to parliamentary procedure.
The worse of these don’t even bother to find out what parliamentary
procedure is, claiming that it was created by Henry Roberts, not something that
actually predated him (by several hundred years).
I liken parliamentary procedure to the rules of a game. When everyone knows and follows the rules of the game, everyone usually enjoys the game. Its when people try to ignore the rules or circumvent the rules that problems occur. When you are part of a group that is making decisions, the "rules of the game" is parliamentary procedure. Hence, to "play the game" well, you (and everyone else invovled) need to know the rules.
I liken parliamentary procedure to the rules of a game. When everyone knows and follows the rules of the game, everyone usually enjoys the game. Its when people try to ignore the rules or circumvent the rules that problems occur. When you are part of a group that is making decisions, the "rules of the game" is parliamentary procedure. Hence, to "play the game" well, you (and everyone else invovled) need to know the rules.
There will be further Leaders Notes in this sub-series on
parliamentary procedure that will cover several topics in the area, including
agendas, minutes, motions, bylaws and more.
There are organizations that can help one learn
parliamentary procedure. The two
national organizations are the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)
and the American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP), both of which have local
chapters. NAP is older and larger. To join, you must pass a test on basic
parliamentary knowledge, and you can then go on to be certified as a
“parliamentarian” (one who is knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure) with
further testing. They publish a quarterly
journal and several other works. AIP is
smaller, and does not require a test to join, but they too certify
parliamentarians. They publish a
quarterly scholarly journal and several other works.
For more info on them, visit their websites.
(I happen to be a member of both organizations, as well as a
member of the Florida State Association of Parliamentarians and an officer of
the Plantation Unit of Parliamentarians, both part of NAP).
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