Servant Leadership.
What is it? Do you know? A lot of people may have heard the term in recent years, but do they really understand what it means? Or is it just the latest leadership buzz word?
While the basic concept of servant leadership has been
around for a long time, the modern usage of it started in 1970 with the
publication of an essay entitled “The Servant as Leader” by Robert Greenleaf,
who is considered the modern originator of the concept. From that concept he further developed it and
others have also come along, including Larry Spears, Stephen Covey, Ken
Blanchard, Max De Pree and others who have added and expanded on it.
But what is it? Let’s
look at Greenleaf’s own words. The
servant leader is one who is servant first.
He serves those he leads by being their leader, but in a different way. “It begins with the natural feeling that one
wants to serve, to serve first. Then
conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead… The difference manifest itself
in the care taken by the servant- first to make sure that other people’s
highest-priority needs are being served.
The best test is: Do those served grow as persons; do they, while being
served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves
to become servants? And what is the
effect on the least privileged in society?
Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?”
A very different way to look at leadership and the relationship
between the leader and follower. This
can be contrasted with the traditional way, which may be called “leader first” or
“self-serving leader”, where the leader’s needs are most important, and the
followers are there just to meet the leader’s needs.
For me, a good example of the servant leader is the kind of
leader we should see in many membership organizations, who steps up to be a leader (doesn’t matter
the level) not for their own glory or power, but because they want what is best
for the members of that organization, and to achieve the aims and goals of that group. They also
want to help those they work with develop as leaders. We see this in large groups, where the load
is broken up into smaller parts, handled by others, who can be leaders in their
own right and develop themselves.
Contrast that with the leader who is in it for themselves, for their
glory (say title, awards, etc), and sees others who DO want to lead
(hopefully for the RIGHT reasons) as threats to their position and work to
keep them out of the leadership group, rather than to bring them onboard. Read that quote again.
Further, I feel that servant-leadership is made up of 2 important elements:
If these two elements are not present, you don't have servant-leadership. And if you don't fully delve into both, others won't understand it.
Further, I feel that servant-leadership is made up of 2 important elements:
- what drives one to be a leader
- what is the relationship between the servant-leader and the follower
If these two elements are not present, you don't have servant-leadership. And if you don't fully delve into both, others won't understand it.
While a simple concept, servant leadership has a lot to
it. In its development, 10
characteristics have been found (from Larry Spears):
- Listening
- Empathy
- Healing
- Awareness
- Persuasion
- Conceptualization
- Foresight
- Stewardship
- Commitment to the growth
of people
- Building community
And just learning and understand these characteristics takes
some time. As I said, a simple concept,
but there is a lot more to it, under the surface.
I’m actually pretty unimpressed with how some groups have dealt
with servant leadership as compared to other. With some groups, the term gets tossed around without really
delving into what it truly means and implies.
And there is little attempt to incorporate the concept into the organizations' culture, unlike other organizations who wholly adopt it. For instance, in one group I'm in, the concept is introduced to members in a 10-15 minutes discussion session, led by people who have had no training or experience with the concept. How then can the members truly understand it? Contrast that with another group I'm in, which has
made servant leadership the core underlying concept of their whole leadership
development program, as they want it a part of their organizational culture. We spend 45 minutes
in the core leadership course going over servant leadership and the 10 characteristics,
tying in other leadership skills to several of them, and its revisited in follow-on sessions. Further, the presenters are encouraged to
read and learn what servant leadership is, to help them better present and explain it.
As noted, Robert Greenleaf created the modern servant
leadership movement. He followed up that
first essay with others such as “The Institute as Servant”, “Trustees as
Servants”, “Spirituality as Leadership” and more. He established an organization to develop the
concept, which is now the Robert Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, and it hold conferences and publishes his and other works. Two slightly different collections of his
basic works people might want to look at are “Servant Leadership: A Journey
into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness” and “The Servant-Leader
Within” [each have many of the same works, btw]
Other writers have also created servant leadership
works. One is Larry Spears who for years
was the executive director of the Center, and now runs his own group, the Spears Center. He has authored
and edited many works on the subject.
Four collections he has edited with the Greenleaf Center are “Focus on
Leadership”, “Insights on Leadership”, “Reflections on Leadership” and
“Practicing Servant-Leadership”. The
last work has a great introductory essay that explains servant leadership and
the 10 principles. A different version of the essay can be found
on-line HERE.
Another great introductory presentation on servant
leadership is HERE.
The Greenleaf Center has published several small booklets. One that I think is probably the best introductory work is The Case for Servant Leadership, which may be purchased from them. It will be the subject of a future Note.
The Greenleaf Center has published several small booklets. One that I think is probably the best introductory work is The Case for Servant Leadership, which may be purchased from them. It will be the subject of a future Note.
Some other authors & works I would recommend, again subjects of future Notes:
Max DePree works “Leadership is an Art”, “Leadership Jazz”,
“Leading without Power” and others is based on servant leadership. Max is the former CEO of Herman Miller, a company who has servant leadership as
part of their corporate culture for decades, and now heads his own leadership
center, the Max Depree Center for Leadership.
Ken Blanchard, famous/infamous for the One Minute Manger series, situational leadership, high performing teams and more (several of
which will be future subjects of this series) has written on servant
leadership. The Secret: What Great
Leaders Know and Do covers it, and his recent Leading at a Higher Level (a
revised edition exists) has a chapter on it.
Leadership speaker and trainer James Hunter has two
interesting books on it. The Servant,
which introduces the concept thru a story or parable, similar to the OMM
series. The second is The World’s Most
Powerful Leadership Principle.
There is also “The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative
Team, Develop Great Morale, and Improve Bottom-Line Performance” by James
There are other works out there, but this is a start.
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