Friday, January 23, 2015

Notes #40 Leadership at the Movies I

Most people probably love to watch movies.  They can entertain.  Make us laugh or cry (or both).  Many of them have a lesson to teach.  It’s in those we want to look at.  Often times with leadership, being able to show our students examples of leadership (sometimes good, sometimes bad) can be a powerful way of helping them understand leadership.

Movies are a great way to do so. In several leadership courses I've been involved in over the years, movies (or selections from movies) have been part of the program.

In your own group or organization, showing movies can be very useful, not just for the entertainment value, but from the lessons they show.  This will hopefully be the first of several Notes to illustrate movies (and maybe tv shows) that can illustrate lessons of leadership.  Doing so should not be strange.  In doing some of the research for this Note, I found a few books that are about that, such as Movies to Manage By and Reel Lessons in Leadership. (I have not reviewed these books, but would hope they could be valuable resources).

Friday, January 9, 2015

Notes #39 Stephen Covey and his 7 Habits

There are those works which are so popular that many people just blow them off.  The works of the late Stephen Covey fall into that category.  They've been around for so long that too often people overlook them.  And like most popular works, he has his detractors, who are put off by numbered lists and charts (6 these and 5 those and the like).  While his works seem to principally focus on managing your time, which is a skill that all leaders need, there is a lot more to his works then that.  There is a lot to his works that require more than a superficial reading.